Explore our robust curriculum by clicking on each grade below:
Islamic Education:
Early Arabic comprehension related to Islamic education
Develop understanding of core fundamentals of being a good Muslim
Early reading and comprehension of the Quran
Develop an understanding of Islamic manners including respect for elders, service to others, humility, confidence and self-respect
Explore significant Islamic historical figures so that students can begin to identify role model characteristics that relate to their Islamic identity
Language Arts:
Develop print awareness and phonetic awareness
Alphabet knowledge
Oral comprehension strategies and skills
Develop vocabulary and listening strategies
Explore number awareness, number patterns and relationships, measurement, geometry and special concepts
Group objects according to attributes
Develop an understanding of number meaning
Develop an understanding of seasonal patterns and cycles through exploration of senses and observational data
Experiential learning techniques designed to enhance a child’s curiosity and critical thinking specific to cause-outcome scenarios and experimentation
Observations of the natural world to understand place and surroundings
Social Studies:
Develop concepts in the areas of weather, self, family, community, Islamic holidays and significant events, and the Islamic world that surrounds us
Develop communication skills by sharing ideas and thoughts with classmates as well as develop skills related to waiting their turn
Physical Education:
Identify body parts, explore different ways to move the body and different positions the body can take
Develop concepts of space, time and force
Manipulate large and medium sized objects
Learn team play and Islamic principles of sacrifice and service
Islamic Education:
Early Arabic comprehension related to Islamic education
Develop understanding of core fundamentals of being a good Muslim
Early reading and comprehension of the Quran
Develop an understanding of Islamic manners including respect for elders, service to others, humility, confidence and self-respect
Explore significant Islamic historical figures so that students can begin to identify role model characteristics that relate to their Islamic identity
Language Arts:
Develop print awareness
Develop phonetic awareness through oral blending, segmentation of word parts and rhyming, decoding and sight word recognition
Develop emerging reading and writing skills
Begin development of comprehension skills and strategies
Develop study skills, listening and organizational skills
Develop foundation of independence in reading and appropriate level books
Practice communicating using oral and written processes
Continue to explore number awareness, number patterns, measurement, geometry, algebraic thinking and relationships
Develop strategies for answering questions, rote routing, recording numbers, ordinal numbers, two-and-three dimensional shapes, patterns, logic, measurement, addition and subtraction, place value and positions
Develop ability to communicate mathematical ideas, work in cooperative learning groups and understand mathematical terms
Develop an understanding of forces and interactions by building and manipulating simple machines
Develop awareness of objects through floating, sinking and magnetism
Explore interdependent relationships in ecosystems: animals, plants and their environments
Social Studies:
Develop concepts on how people grow and change, communities, holidays, Islamic history and significant events and local history
Develop ways to communicate thoughts, show independence, organization and responsibility and work in a classroom community
Develop attachments to Islamic principles of sharing, caring and service to others
Physical Education:
Identify body parts, explore different ways to move the body and different positions the body can take
Develop concepts of space, time and force
Manipulate large and medium sized objects
Learn team play and Islamic principles of sacrifice and service
Develop reading and comprehension of the Quran
Begin to work through the foundational chapters of the Quran and develop a working understanding of the structure of the Quran and its chapters
Develop rules of tajweed and proper manners when reading and reciting the Quran
Continue to develop language comprehension and understanding of the Arabic language, in the context of Islamic education and Quran learning
Develop ability to formulate sentences in Arabic and understand general principles of gendered words, letter pronunciations, and plural and singular vocabulary concepts
Identify librarian, helpers and location easy sections
Use proper behavior, listening, sitting/enjoying stories and follow library procedures
Develop an appreciation for literature and storytelling
Develop skills in self-awareness, relationships, decision making and safety measures
Introduction to computer basics
Recognize and use the letter, number and symbol keys
Introduce and develop word processing skills, processing, drawing and graphics, peripherals and presentations, and curriculum based websites
App based code development and activities
Introduction and development of internet safety
Islamic Education:
Develop understanding of core fundamentals of being a good Muslim
Early reading and comprehension of the Quran
Develop an understanding of Islamic manners including respect for elders, service to others, humility, confidence and self-respect
Explore significant Islamic historical figures so that students can begin to identify role model characteristics that relate to their Islamic identity
Language Arts:
Read a variety of genres of literature and develop decoding and encoding skills
Develop and practice spelling words and begin to develop understanding of words used in context
Develop and practice the writing process using a variety of styles
Introduce and practice writing concepts, writing mechanics, DeNealian and sentence structure as well as grammar and usage
Develop and practice a variety of comprehension skills and strategies
Continue to develop and practice listening, organizational and study skills
Develop fluent execution and coordination of independence in reading appropriate level books
Develop skills in number awareness, place, value, money, adding and subtracting and measurement
Begin to develop quick recall of addition and subtraction facts, practicing number bonds daily
Estimate time and calendar as part of daily number routine
Introduce model drawing
Introduce concept of multiplication and division
Learn to communicate mathematical ideas, work in cooperative groups and understand mathematical terms
Engage in the exploration of waves, light, sound, properties of matter, weather, seasons and climate
Use of engineering design model to test solutions and answer questions
Use appropriate tools to gather information about the patterns and cycles that might impact weather and change states of matter
Explore and observe the characteristics, diversity and life cycles of insects
Develop a scientific vocabulary
Explore the areas of school life, family life, shelter, work, neighborhoods and communities, map skills, holidays and our country
Engage in discussions about citizenship and values as well as being respectful to workers from all walks of life
Develop ways to communicate ideas orally, in written expressions and through presentations
Physical Education:
Continue competency in managing body
Explore different ways to move body and different positions the body can take
Develop concepts in space, time, force, eye-hand and eye-hand-feet coordination and follow simple verbal directions
Show good sportsmanship and teamwork in games and activities
Continue to review skills learned in previous grades
Identify and locate collection of materials
Identify, re-shelf, alphabetize and organize books and other library materials
Continue to develop an appreciation for literature and storytelling
Develop skills in self-awareness, relationships, decision-making and safety awareness
Introduction and review of computer basics and keyboarding
Continue to develop skills using word processing, drawing and graphics, peripherals, presentations, electronic references, internet and spreadsheets
Continue to use the computer as a tool to enhance learning through curriculum integration in the classroom
Understand the importance of internet safety
Develop reading and comprehension of the Quran
Begin to work through the foundational chapters of the Quran and develop a working understanding of the structure of the Quran and its chapters
Develop rules of tajweed and proper manners when reading and reciting the Quran
Continue to develop language comprehension and understanding of the Arabic language, in the context of Islamic education and Quran learning
Continue to develop and practice previously learned Arabic vocabulary and skills
Introduce a more extensive vocabulary using simple dialogues and numbers to 100
Emphasize expressions as they develop and grow vocabulary
Explore cultural experiences and customs from Muslim cultures around the world
Language Arts:
Read a variety of genres of literature centered on specific topics
Develop and practice spelling words and vocabulary words
Continue to develop and practice the writing process using a variety of styles
Introduce and practice writing concepts, writing mechanics, DeNealian and sentence structure as well as grammar and usage
Develop and practice a variety of comprehension skills and strategies
Continue to develop listening, organizational and study skills
Continue to build independent fluent execution of appropriate level reading
Mastery of addition and subtraction facts as well as multiplication by 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10
Develop skills in place value, money, adding and subtracting with and without regrouping, measurement, geometric and fractional concepts
Number routines that include time, calendar and estimation
Use models to solve word problems
Be able to communicate mathematical ideas, work in cooperative learning groups and understand mathematical terms
Plan and carry out investigations to answer questions or test solutions by using both the scientific method and the engineering design model
Develop an awareness and understanding of Earth's place in the universe using models, text and media
Develop a scientific vocabulary
Use appropriate tools and scientific instruments to gather information about land, water and plants
Engage in the study of minerals and rocks
Social Studies:
Develop an understanding about the Earth using map and globe skills
Engage in discussions on the continent, country, state, county and community
Explore the areas of governing bodies, America today versus years ago
Develop ways to communicate ideas orally, in written expressions and through presentations
Physical Education:
Continue competency in managing body
Demonstrate teamwork in the performance of group activities
Show good sportsmanship and teamwork in games and activities
Demonstrate flexibility, strength, speed and agility
Develop eye-hand and eye-hand-feet, skip alternating legs, hop, run backwards and gallop
Continue to review skills learned in previous grades
Identify and locate collection of materials
Locate information using the automated card catalog
Identify, re-shelf, alphabetize and organize books and other library materials
Continue to develop an appreciation for literature and storytelling
Continue to develop skills in self-awareness, relationships, decision making and safety awareness
Continue to review computer basics and keyboarding skills
Continue to develop proficiency in word processing, drawing and graphics, peripherals, presentations, electronic references, internet and spreadsheets
Introduce digital photography and Adobe Photoshop
Continue to use the computer as a tool to enhance learning through curriculum integration in the classroom
Understand the importance of internet safety
Islamic Education:
Develop understanding of core fundamentals of being a good Muslim
Early reading and comprehension of the Quran
Develop an understanding of Islamic manners including respect for elders, service to others, humility, confidence and self-respect
Explore significant Islamic historical figures so that students can begin to identify role model characteristics that relate to their Islamic identity
Develop reading and comprehension of the Quran
Begin to work through the foundational chapters of the Quran and develop a working understanding of the structure of the Quran and its chapters
Develop rules of tajweed and proper manners when reading and reciting the Quran
Continue to develop Arabic speaking skills introducing some written skills
Continue to develop previously learned vocabulary also involving dialogues and songs